"Recording my Artist Life"

I have so much fun photographing our island while on my walks. Instagram and FaceBook posting nearly everyday, compositions inspired from nature, home, artist garden and even our newest family members, Flower, Raven, and Willow become the subjects. Each photo endears a painting, reminds a collection, inspires colour combinations while reaching deep into observation in natural, normal everyday. Early evening a favourite time captures light illuminating petals, shadowing foliage, lends unheard of colours awakening wonder and awe. Sunsets, clouds, beaches, rain drenched paths, vibrate in the hours before dark.
My painting studio overlooks my artist garden. Juvenile pear trees will blossom this, it’s first year. Peony shoots are peaking through the earth, lupines, delphiniums, bachelor buttons are many inches up promising a plethora of blooms. Clematis juicily in bud is draped over balconies and tangled in the old world fragrant rose. Lilacs both purple and white are loaded in tight spikes awaiting consistent sunny warmth. Every nuance noticed, photographed are possible subjects of a next painting.
My Studio time engaged in creating pieces influenced from many of these experiences. Colour choice, leaf, subtle shaded path, mood and energy all recorded through my brush.